Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life the last 4 months

I graduated from ASU
Got a job at GCU
Got engaged
Got Married
Living in a cute apartment with my husband!!

Prayers- That we would both keep God at the center of our marriage, it can get hard with getting settled, and thinking we can handle life on our own. But we can- we are hopeless without our God and I know when i spend less time with him I can feel angry in my heart and anxiety, he is our hope, our comfort, stronghold and ever present in time of need.

My struggles: Trying to figure out what we want to do job wise, my job at GCU is not exactly what I want to do be doing, the desk admin world isnt exactly me. Sitting in one place 40 hours a week looking at a computer screen and doing somewhat sales work is hard! It does make me miss my job at FMSC alot. However with our tuition benefits I feel I need to stick it out, and mark needs to get his bachelors!

Husbands struggles: Job wise as well, he is quite unhappy at his job and works 55+ hours every week, he loves animals, forestry, photography, being outdoors and working with his hands. He has so many passions! Just trying to figure out what to do with them.. what should be hobby and what could turn into a career? Few snapshots of the last 3 months.. wedding photos to come :)..!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Grandest of Canyon's!!

Mark suprised me with a trip to he Grand Canyon! We were suppose to go up to Flagstaff but he had planned a GC trip instead! Sneaky one...! We stopped at NAU on the way home and ate for free at their delicious dining hall (thanks to his friend)!! Hiking into the canyon was pretty awesome- but quite muddy/slushie with snow! So fun to have spent the whole day with my Bubba! We both want to go back soon!

Anniversary Pics.. 5 months later!

We hiked to the top of the mountain,brought a change of clothes and took some pics! Thanks Mark for being such a good sport and doing it!! October 28th 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Flagstaff part two- Up to Snowbowl to take pictures! We drove to the top of the mountain and took some pics!! It was beautiful! Mark planned it out to come up here and take pictures, the original plan was to take the skii lift to the top but it closed 2 weeks ago to prepare for winter!!(which he called and found out) What a great planner he is!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Flagstaff prt 1

Mark planned a whole day trip to flagstaff as my birthday present!! He did way to much but it had the most amazing day!!! At the end of the day he goes: " I think what we learned today is that we need to get married and move to flagstaff." We were picking out homes we would want to live in ( probably out of our price range..) but still fun!! I love bubba so much and I think when boys plan something it means so much since girls are  usually the planners!! Flagstaff is so different from Phx and so great to go there and adventure.. and live someday SOON.
So we went to Flagstaff X-TREME adventure course.. its INTENSE I couldnt do the last two courses I was too scared and tired form doing the first two!! We are 50 ft off the ground.. the last two you get 65 ft off the ground!! My arms are so sore today! Its crazy.. Bubba was even scared on a few of them!! hehe and enjoy the video at the end!

THis one took awhile.. AHH!!!!!

Went up to NAU to eat in their DELICIOUS all you can eat dining hall. Its so good so much food!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Schnepf Farm

Friday I went to Scnepf Farm! It was so fun! The best thing we did was jump on these giant "pillows" it was a big bounce thing and it was just so fun! I hadnt had a fun night out like this in awhile! 

Me and Mary jumping!! Check out that AIR!


The fun Roller Coaster!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ill be home for...

CHRISTMAS!! Flights booked for Christmas Day to Chicago.... !YIPPEEE cant wait. Also.. The second Halloween is over the Christmas music will be in full explosion! I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!! It just needs to drop 30 deg here and it would for sure "begin to look alot like Christmas"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chicago part2

The second half of the amazing vacation was spent with my family! It wassooooooo nice to spend time with my Grandma! She is turning 90 this year! I have always been her closest grandchild, she use to spend 4 months of the year in arizona with us!She is the women who taught me how to pray- talk about a big influence! She unfortunately has dementia now, but she still has her same personality and we can still talk, she is the sweetest grandma I know Im so lucky to have had her influence in my life! I wish we lived closer to her!
*click on pics to make them bigger* most with iphone, some with camera!
Three Generations :)

Downtown Chitown!

Visiting my cousin Julie at Northwestern!

Grams backyard!
Northwestern University!

At my Aunts house in LakeBluff , ! Mom and I put up some decorations!


Grams Neighborhood!

Grandmas Neighborhood!